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What is WebSocket exactly?

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When you want to send a file, application, or data across the Internet, you can use the WebSocket protocol. This protocol has many components, including a structure, security, and functions. It supports extensions and allows you to create your own data formats. These features can be found here.


WebSocket lets an application send and receive messages to another application. It is built on top the TCP/UDP transport layer protocols. In addition, the protocol enables message retry and disconnection. It utilizes two types messages: the control message and the connection message.

The connection data are framed with the payload specified by the application. Each frame also contains the payload data. WebSocket's base specification does not support data compression. Therefore, applications must create their own data compression logic. Data compression extensions allow for the equivalent of HTTP transfer-encoding negotiation. These extensions can also be advertised via the Upgrade handshake.

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Websocket lets you send and retrieve messages from a remote server. To send a Message, first you need to create a socket connection. Then, you must create an event listener that will be called whenever a new message arrives on the server. To respond to the message, you can use WebSocket.

WebSocket allows you to send and receive data from two devices. It allows client and server to simultaneously exchange messages. WebSockets can be used to fetch data from a server. This is not possible using HTTP requests. The server will have to check the order and then process the request, but it will do so through WebSocket.


WebSocket security is an extension to the WebSocket protocol which inspects WebSocket connections and secures the data that is transferred through them. WebSocket security can either be disabled or enabled for a Web app or website. When enabled, a default WebSocket profile is created for a web application or website. This profile has a status of OFF, which means that the service is not active. Also, the browser automatically adds its cookies the WebSocket handshake request. This means that attackers have access to victim's credentials.

WebSocket security can be implemented in a few easy steps. First, check the header "Origin" of the websocket connection. The WebSocket will close the connection if the header doesn't match. Second, be sure to check the message's frame format. Third, ensure that the connection is made via an SSL channel. Information can leak and other attacks can occur if it is not.

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Websocket extensions refer to a set parameters that the server returns to the client. These are specified in the "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" header and must be implemented by both the client and the server. The extensions are activated by the server and returned to the client.

Websocket extensions may be implemented with the websocket–extensions libraries. This library is separate to the main protocol. It defines abstractions and frames for messages and frames. It implements several APIs that allow plugins and drivers interoperate.


What is a static website?

A static website contains all content stored on a server that visitors can access via web browsers.

The term "static" refers to the fact that there are no dynamic features such as changing images, video, animation, etc.

This site was initially designed for corporate intranets, but it has been adopted by individuals or small businesses who desire simple websites that don't require complex programming.

Static sites have become increasingly popular because they require less maintenance. They are simpler to update and maintain than fully-featured websites that have many components (like blogs).

They also load quicker than their dynamic counterparts. This makes them perfect for users who are using mobile devices or have slow Internet access.

Also, static websites are more secure that dynamic counterparts. There's nothing to hack into a static website. Hackers only have access the data in a database.

There are two main ways you can create a static web site.

  1. Using a Content Management System (CMS)
  2. How to create a static HTML website

The best one for you will depend on your specific needs. A CMS is my recommendation if your first website was created.

Why? Because it gives you complete control of your website. With a CMS, you don't need to hire someone to help you set up your site. All you need to do is upload files to the web server.

It is possible to still learn how code can be used to create static websites. But you'll need to invest some time learning how to program.

What should I include in my Portfolio?

These should all be included in your portfolio.

  • Exemplaires of previous work
  • If applicable, links to your website
  • Your blog may have links
  • Links to social media profiles
  • You can also find links to other designers' portfolios online.
  • Any awards you have been given.
  • References.
  • Take samples of your work.
  • These links show how to communicate with clients.
  • Here are some links to show that you're eager to learn new technologies.
  • These are links that show your flexibility
  • You can find links that reflect your personality.
  • Videos showing your skills.

Can I use a Template or Framework on My Website?

Yes! When creating websites, many people use pre-built templates. These templates contain all the code needed to display information on your page.

Some of the most well-known templates are:

WordPress - one of the most popular CMSes

Joomla - another popular open source CMS

Drupal - An enterprise-level solution for large companies

Expression Engine - Yahoo's proprietary CMS

There are hundreds of templates available for every platform. It should not be difficult to find the right one.


  • Is your web design optimized for mobile? Over 50% of internet users browse websites using a mobile device. (wix.com)
  • The average website user will read about 20% of the text on any given page, so it's crucial to entice them with an appropriate vibe. (websitebuilderexpert.com)
  • In fact, according to Color Matters, a signature color can boost brand recognition by 80%. There's a lot of psychology behind people's perception of color, so it's important to understand how it's used with your industry. (websitebuilderexpert.com)
  • When choosing your website color scheme, a general rule is to limit yourself to three shades: one primary color (60% of the mix), one secondary color (30%), and one accent color (10%). (wix.com)
  • It's estimated that in 2022, over 2.14 billion people will purchase goods and services online. (wix.com)

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How To

How to become a web developer?

A website isn't just a collection HTML code. It is an interactive platform that allows users to communicate and delivers valuable content.

A website is not only a tool for delivering information, it's a portal that connects you to your customers. It should allow customers to quickly find what they need, while also showing how you want them interact with your business.

The best websites allow users to do exactly the same thing they came here to do: search for what they need and then leave.

To reach this goal, you'll need to have technical skills and design aesthetics. You'll need to learn HTML5 coding and CSS3 styling as well as the latest developments in JavaScript.

Also, you'll need to learn how to use tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Fireworks. This allows designers to create and edit web graphics and layouts. The style guide includes everything you need, from fonts, colors, and layout.

Begin by learning about the subject, taking online courses, and enrolling in college programs if you want to become a web developer.

While it may take several months to complete your degree program completely, once you have it, you are ready to go into the workforce.

Keep practicing! Designing will improve your ability to build great websites.


What is WebSocket exactly?